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Will there be a sequel to The Last Cuentista?


One day.

Alebrijes is not technically a sequel. But it's in the same universe. It's its own novel. But when I do write the next novel in this universe, I will tie all three together. Does that make it a series? I guess sort of.

Many have even caught the Lupe Wong Easter egg in The Last Cuentista. Can you find it?



Where do you live?


I live in the Pacific Northwest. I stare out at the Olympic National Forest from my living room. Sasquatch is my neighbor. I’ve yet to meet him, but I know he’s out there.



Do you have any animals?


I currently have two very old dogs, three very old fish, a very old frog, and nineteen young chickens.



Which of your books is your favorite?


They are like my children. I love them all equally. 😁 (I know...I know...everyone says that.)

But if I’m in the mood to laugh, I read Lupe Wong Won’t Dance. If I want to think of how it felt to be scared when I was little, I read an El Cucuy book. If I’m missing my grandmother, I read The Yellow Handkerchief. If I want to ponder what and who are important to me, I read The Last Cuentista. If I want to be nervous or think of the bravery of people I’ve known, I read Alebrijes.



Do you have a family?


Why yes, I do! Lots! I consider my animals to be part of my family. But I also have four children who are all grown. My husband, Mark Maciejewski, is also a writer for children and very funny. You can find his work at   

The rest of my family—dad, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins all still live in the San Joaquin Valley in California where I grew up? (It’s a great place!)



If you could be any animal, what would it be?


Easy. A hummingbird.


Who is your favorite writer?


Too many to choose! But I love Octavia Butler, Ursula K. Le Guin, Neil Gaiman to name a few.


Do you write every day?


Yes. But I don’t think of writing as just sitting down at my computer or with a notebook and pen. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine a story. It plays out like a movie in my head until it feels right. My imagination makes up some wild stories! That counts as writing to me.

Everyone has their own way of doing things. So, if you’re a writer, I say figure out what works for you and don’t let anyone tell you how to find the story, or what “writing” means. 

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